Debs Leighton

Senior Copywriter

Debs Leighton

InterBay Commercial

InterBay is a commercial mortgage lender who specialise in complex cases. Their team of experts facilitate loans for brokers who might ordinarily have to let difficult mortgage requests pass them by.

Trade shows give them a great opportunity to tell brokers how they can help. But with so many other traders vying for business, InterBay wanted to go above and beyond to get their message across. Hence, we created quick video animations to appear on prominent indoor and outdoor screens at an NEC trade event. We made sure they were difficult to miss, and easy to understand. And we even threw in a free coffee to whet attendees’ appetites to visit the InterBay stand.

Bridge link digital display

Bridge link iconic digital screen

Piazza entrance D48 trisite

NEC piazza D6 exit screens

  • Role Copywriter

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Click & Invest soft launch